had started using meth two years before entering the study and had slammed since he started. Take 'P.D.,' a 49-year-old Hispanic professional gay man living with HIV who took part in a treatment study at Columbia University comparing the combination of bupropion (Wellbutrin) and naltrexone (Vivitrol) to a placebo (sugar pill) in decreasing cravings and use of meth among heavy users.
People slamming meth for the first time often think it is the 'cleanest' way of doing the drug and have no clue that taking the drug this way may lead rapidly to death or severe acute or chronic illness - especially if HIV is also in the mix.
In reality, someone's first time slamming may be incredible, but this experience is hardly ever fully reproduced, with subsequent slams often becoming a never-ending quest to relive the first time.